Saturday, July 19, 2008


The name and url for this blog came after much trial and error - all the good urls are already taken, even my name. After many clever attempts, and finding that there are many clever people who beat me to those names, the phrase "pet dinosaur" just popped into my mind. Whaddya know - the url was available! I was tired of trying , so I went with it. The title, "The Old Man Speaketh" is somewhat related to the name, as my kids like to tease me about my age (my official age is 52). They say I'm really something like 500,000 years old - I have no idea why, unless it has something to do with the stories I've told them of pet dinosaurs and hunting with dogs as weapons, etc. I also invented the wheel, or at least I was there - I can't remember which. I feel like I'm 500,000 or more years old, and after reading what I have to say, you'll likely agree with my kids.

Anyway, that's the story behind the name. The real purpose of this new blog is as a place for me to rant and preach and carry on in any way I see fit. If I want anyone to read it I suppose I'll have to make it worth reading, which is going to be a great challenge. We'll see what happens.